Jun 6, 2011

God’s Garden

By Julie Wilson

My family and I have recently been volunteering with a community garden. About a month ago, we helped get all the beds ready for planting. We pulled weeds, picked out trash, and shoveled in compost. Then we planted carrots. This last week when we went back, the girls got to see the carrots starting to grow and they also helped plants herbs.

For us, living in an urban city has many advantages. But one disadvantage is that we do not have a yard to plant a garden. Being able to help our neighbors plant fresh food for those not able to grow produce on their own has been a joy for us. Last year, the majority of the food from this community garden was given away to the Greater Boston Food Bank and other non-profit organizations for those in need. This has been a great opportunity for my “city” kids to be a part of producing and cultivating a garden that they would not otherwise be able to experience.

If you live in an urban area I encourage you to find ways to have fresh produce. See if there is a community garden that you can volunteer at. Or try growing in pots or a small, raised bed. As we continue to help at the garden I hope this will teach my children about God’s goodness and His plan. God’s plan of creation and His design are amazing. It is incredible to think how God can take a tiny seed and grow it into a large, beautiful plant. He is the ultimate gardener!


  1. we just planted a very small "crop" of peas and are looking into raised beds too. it is so fun to get excited alongside the kids as the sprouts start to emerge!

  2. gardening not my strong point but I like the idea of it and I think the community aspect of what you are doing is great and would motivate me more. nice...


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