Jul 28, 2011

Chalkboard encouragement

By Karen Brown

As a mom of three little ones, I feel like the majority of my day is spent telling kids no. “No, that’s not for touching”, “no running, please walk”, “No, we don’t bite our sister when we’re mad.” I want to be a mom that encourages my kids more in what they are doing right, rather than feeling like I have just told them what not to do all day.

I know, for me, that if I don’t have a plan, I’m not always intentional about following through. I came up with the idea for chalkboards as a way to let my kids know what they did that day that we were really proud of and appreciated. My hope is that the chalkboards can become part of our dinner time routine each night.

 I used $1 chalkboards from Michaels and paint pens. I was inspired by designs I saw by Mary Kate McDevitt and by Shanna Murray. We went with the phrase “It was awesome when you _____ today!" We just use chalk markers to fill in the blank.

REUNION recently did a message on encouraging kids and how to give them intentional praise as opposed to empty praise. You can listen to the podcast here.

How do you intentionally encourage and praise your kids?

1 comment:

  1. I love that idea. It's easy to execute once you set it up too. I can imagine the kids love it


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