May 31, 2011

call and response

By Karen Brown

Have you seen this documentary? It's an amazing film about modern-day slavery.
REUNION showed it as part of our Freedom Sunday celebration. It is thought-provoking and will truly make you think about what is happening in our neighborhoods and in the world around us. Slavery is more prevalent today than it ever has been in all of history, and includes forced labor, child labor, sex trafficking, child soldiers, and childhood prostitution. And did you know it's more profitable than both the drug and arms trades combined? It's the fastest growing crime in America. 

You can order Call + Response on Netflix
here. Seriously...order it now or watch the trailer here

We are trying to think through what our response can be as a community and as a family. One of the quotes that really spoke to me was when Ashley Judd said that she didn't want to wear someone else's despair (speaking of child & forced labor in clothing manufacturing). I am often the one looking for the best deal, but I imagine that must mean someone isn't being treated fairly or paid fairly somewhere down the chain of production. We are trying to consider how we inadvertently contribute to this crime and how we can make choices that promote love and justice for all. 

I would want someone to think about those things if it was my child in the video.

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