Mar 22, 2012

31 Ways to Pray for your Children

By Karen Brown
Photo from here

A friend recently shared this
link to a wonderful article on praying for your children. What I love most about it is that the concept is so simple. It is something you could easily incorporate into everyday prayer life.

One way I like to add prayer into my daily routine is to include it as part of something I am already doing. For example, with three kids and different activities, we spend a lot of time back and forth in the car. With a simple list like this, I could easily leave it in the car and pray for the kids during the time I am driving to pick them up from school. At that time of the day, my preschooler is happy watching a movie on the dvd player in the van, and I can have some “quiet time” as I drive.

How do you include prayer into your day? Do you have any specific ways you pray for your children?

1 comment:

  1. I loved this article so much when I read it. It was such a great reminder of the character I want my son and soon to be daughter to have. As a mom, I constantly worry. I worry if my child will develop normally, if he will be kind to others, if he will have friends and have a sense of belonging. I pray for him to be a man of God and to be a faithful servant. I loved this list so much because each "way" to pray for your child is paired with scripture! Thanks for sharing!


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