Sep 15, 2011

Embrace The Camera

By Karen Brown

Hey moms out you take pictures of yourself with your kids? I know you take pictures of the kiddos, but what about YOU with them? Novel concept, I know. If you are like me, you don’t shy away from documenting your kids and all their happenings. You even have quite a few pictures of the kids with their least on outings and special occasions. But as for pics with the mommy, those are a rare.

I have so many excuses for why I’m not in the shot. Someone has to actually take the picture, I didn’t get to shower today, we all have such cheesy smiles when we have to pose the picture...the list goes on. But, after reading this post this post on embracing the camera, I am inspired actually get in a few pictures with my kids and see how it goes.

I want my family to remember our times together as they grow up. I want them to remember that we were silly together, went on adventures together and cuddled on the couch together. I want them to remember that our family wasn’t always picture perfect (because that’s real life), but that we loved each other a lot!

Here are some quick tips for getting in the picture:

• Try the self-timer on your camera
• Shoot a picture into the mirror, or anything reflective, for that matter. Hold the camera waist-high if you can.
• Hold the camera over your head, or out in front of you
• Give the camera to someone else, dare I say a kid, if you have to
• If you have a Mac, try Photobooth

And if you’re still need some encouragement to jump behind the lens, read this and see if it doesn’t change your mind!

Someone else took this one of me and Aiden. 

Miles and I shot this one ourselves.

And someone else took this one of me and Owen.

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